The fact that the human body consists of 70-80% of water, and the drinking regime must be observed in order to maintain health is known to everyone. But what does this mean and how does the water balance affect excess weight?
The benefits of water for weight loss
Water affects all processes occurring in the human body, not only fat burning. If there is not enough liquid, then:
the activity of enzymes decreases — the ability to work decreases, a feeling of weakness appears, and there is not enough energy;
blood viscosity increases, and oxygen and nutrients that are delivered to organs and tissues are not enough — the nutrition of cells also worsens;
the process of detoxification slows down.
Watch not only the water balance. During the diet and the whole weight loss process, pay attention to a balanced diet — with proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
Many people drink mineral water from artesian springs during weight loss, useful for cleansing the body. But pay attention to the content of salts and minerals: salt should be no more than one gram per liter. Before choosing a bottle with a higher concentration, consult a doctor so as not to harm the endocrine system
How water helps to lose weight:
- Improves metabolic processes. Metabolism increases 10 minutes after consumption of 0.5 liters, and the effect persists for at least another 1 hour. Calories are spent on assimilation and withdrawal of the consumed liquid.
- Reduces the number of calories. This is the best way to quench your thirst. By drinking 2 liters a day, a person reduces the temptation to buy lemonade, carbonated drink or juice.
- Reduces appetite. If you drink 30 minutes before a meal, you will eat less. The stomach is half filled with liquid, and the appetite is partially interrupted. You don’t overeat or consume a lot of high-calorie foods.
How much water should I drink to lose weight?
Do not become fanatical and constantly think about the amount of liquid you need to drink to lose weight and feel better. Make the process natural — start the morning with a glass of water to wake up the body. It is better to choose non-carbonated: with gases, on the contrary, the appetite is aggravated.
Depending on the weight and physical activity of a person, the accepted norms of fluid intake per day range from 1.5-2.5 liters. The average is 40 ml per 1 kg of weight. But when they talk about quantity, they mean all the liquid: soups, compotes, juices, tea and fruits.
Remember: excessive consumption harms the body. The kidneys begin to work hard, and some nutrients and valuable substances are simply “washed out” from the body.
A few recommendations on how and what kind of water to drink to lose weight:
without additives — in pure form;
30 minutes before meals and one hour after;
do not drink during meals;
limit consumption after 20-21 hours .
Do not forget to take a bottle of water when you work out at the Premier Sport club, especially if the workout lasts more than one hour.