Split training is a classic training scheme for bodybuilders and athletes who want to increase muscle mass. Beginners should start with the preparation of the whole body and only then proceed to the study of individual muscle groups.
The advantages of split in fitness are a powerful workout and the opportunity to recover after it.
What does split training mean?
Bodybuilders work out 2-3 muscle groups at a time and with high intensity. The training process is laid out for a certain period of time, most often for a week.
Although professional athletes are engaged in this scheme, a qualified mentor can adapt the program to an amateur.
Types of split fitness workouts
The technique can be different: triple split is considered popular. The body is conditionally divided into three parts, and they work with each on different days. Each muscle group is given a week to recover.
More options:
on the first day, the whole body trains, the rest of the time attention is paid to poorly developed muscles;
during one lesson, muscles that perform oppositely directed actions are worked out — agonists / antagonists (for example, a dumbbell pull with an emphasis on the chest and a dumbbell bench press);
first, the muscles of the back surface of the body (traction) are involved, the next day – the front surface (bench presses).
In addition to the growth of muscle mass, the split system program can be aimed at weight loss and strength growth. You can add exercises to the classic training strategy, change the program at the discretion of the athlete and taking into account the opinion of the mentor.
How to do a split workout?
Regardless of whether a split workout is held at home or in a fitness room, several recommendations must be followed:
- Duration no more than 120 minutes — the shorter, the more effective the load.
- Do not do more than eight exercises in one session.
- Be sure to warm up — 5-10 minutes of cardio, and then joint preparation.
Even if you plan to study at home, it is better to consult with a coach who will evaluate physical fitness and select a program.
Example of a triple split:
- The first day — biceps, chest, legs. Suitable bench press, push-ups, lifting the barbell on the biceps, leg extension.
- The second — shoulders and triceps: lifting projectiles, dumbbell bench press, reverse push-ups on the bench.
- The third is the press and back: traction of the lower and upper blocks, plank, twisting, pulling, hyperextension.
Differences from complex training
In complex Full Body classes, all muscles are worked out at one time, but you can’t practice daily — a person spends 2-3 times a week in the fitness room. The exercises are classic, but they are not performed in such an intense rhythm.
Beginners and those who have not yet mastered the technique of basic exercises start with Full Body. As the training increases, you can start a split system – usually after 4-6 months of regular trips to the gym.
Trainers remind that the effectiveness of classes is also affected by the quality of nutrition, sleep and the state of the nervous system.
The amount of training increases by increasing the frequency, intensity and number of repetitions, taking into account the recovery period. Lack of time to visit a fitness club is the reason to abandon the split system.